Group Rules

Group Rules




***The pages above were created to make it easier to find answers to all your questions without scrolling through the feed!***

Please include in your photo caption: PRICE, DESCRIPTION, LOCATION. Please also indicate whether you are willing to meet or if the item is for pick-up only.

  • Please LIST only 5-8 items in one day. Items will remain on the page for 14 days from the date posted.
  • Please post each item ONE time. Do not post duplicate photos. Duplicates will be deleted. (*Deleting your photo and re-posting in any 14 day period is not permitted.)
  • Please group LIKE items together in ONE photo. You can write in the description what is shown. For example – You have 4 pairs of little girl shoes... Take one photo of all shoes... Write: Pink Shoes size 3, White Shoes size 3, Black Mary Janes size 2, Sneakers size 2. As the items sell, you can edit the description.
  • Another good way to group photos is to use Picasa (I’m most familiar with!) and create a collage and add text. It may take a few minutes, but it will be much easier for keeping track of your items! Pic Collage is great on iPhone or iPad.
  • Once your item is SOLD – DELETE it. You may comment with “Sold. Pending Payment/Pick-Up,” but there is a good chance an admin will delete the post once it is marked "SOLD."  Keep track of who was interested in your own notes and tag them if you need to re-post.
  • Do not post items without pics! Example: Is anyone interested in...? There are almost 3000 people in the group – I’m sure someone will be interested. PHOTOS sell! Besides, your little text post will get lost!
  • PLEASE use actual photos, NOT stock photos. People want to see what they are buying. If the item is in storage or no longer assembled, write that and give as much detailed information as possible regarding the condition of the item.
  • Posts without pics will be deleted. People want to SEE what you have. Don't post: Is anyone interested in...?  
  • Expiration dates MUST be posted for formula and other food items. Drop-side cribs are NOT permitted to be posted. These are no longer allowed to be sold as per the government! Car Seats and Booster Seats are also not allowed to be sold on the page.
  • Albums will be permitted, but MUST be titled with the Seller's Name and Location. Only ONE album per member. The album needs to be kept updated by the member. (Deleting sold items within the album.) Items in albums require the same Listing information. You may "bump" your ALBUM (not individual items) ONCE per day.  Albums with less than 15 pics will be deleted. Albums that do not follow these simple requests will be deleted.


  • It is up to the people involved to arrange for pick-up of items through comments or private messages.
  • Please try to exchange cell numbers for text or start a conversation through Private Messages (PM). There are some threads with 30+ comments on trying to arrange pick-up. Communicate one-on-one, please.
  • You have the right to NOT purchase an item if it’s not what you expected at the time of pick-up. You may not contact the seller for a refund.

ISO – In Search Of:

  • There are threads for this! Do not post individual ISO requests. They just get lost on the page. Find the photo that says ISO and post in the comments what you are looking for! 
  • You must contact the "searcher" directly via PM, text or email. No conversations can be held in the comments... if they are, your post, comment, and you (if a repeat offender!) will be deleted. 
  • Once your request is fulfilled, delete your ISO comment.
  • Individual ISOs on the page will be deleted.


  • Items should be DELETED once sold. If it appears from the comments that your item was sold, the admins will remove the post from the page. Just trying to keep it clean and easier for people to sort through!
  • Items that have been posted for 14 days must be removed. This goes by the original date of the post – not the date you reduced the price.
  • To delete a photo, find your photo, click on it. Hover over the bottom right side of the pic – You will see “Options” appear – click it and then “Remove Photo”
  • PLEASE delete your own photos. This is a very time-consuming task for the admins. It is a HUGE help and greatly appreciated if everyone would clean up after themselves!


  • NO Bumping... Unless it's Hump Day! You may bump your items once on Wednesdays. Please try to bump one or two at a time to be fair to all members.
  • ***BUMPING means adding comments to your own post to move it to the top of the page. For example: Still available, make an offer, or best offer, bump, *, or ^. 
  • Be PATIENT. I've sold a lot of items on here, and so have many other people. Give it time. People can browse the hundreds of photos at any time and will see your item.
  • BUMPING also refers to deleting your photo and re-posting it again before the 14 days is up. 
  • If you need to edit the information or want to change the price – edit the description of the photo. Click on your photo and then click “Edit” under the caption.


  • This will not be considered "bumping;" however, please do not reduce your price until your item has been posted for at least 7 (seven) days.
  • If you would like to change the price before the 7th day, you can edit the description of the photo. 
  • Also, PLEASE do not reduce more than 5 items in one day. This is just to be fair so that everyone's posts are seen.


  • Do NOT advertise your business in the feed.
  • You may NOT sell your inventory. (i.e. Samples and Displays - direct sales consultants, handmade items, etc.)
  • If you own a business or buy items in bulk - you may NOT sell them on the page.


  •  Please do not post fundraisers for your child's school or activities. Everyone's kid is always selling something!
  • If you have a unique fundraiser for a specific cause, please send an email to for approval.

  • Animals
  • Any item you know has been recalled
  • Car Seats / Booster Seats
  • Defective products
  • Full Drop-Side Cribs
  • Weapons of ANY kind or any item related to
Please feel free to tag an admin in any post that includes any of the above items or to send a message to with the name of the person posting, the item, and date/time of post to make it easier to find!

  • Zero tolerance.
  • You will be removed from the group and will not be permitted back into the group.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this page so successful!